Just Joined
Just Joined?
This page contains resources for parents and carers of young people joining the group.
Once you have a confirmed start date for beavers, cubs or scouts, please complete our admission for by clicking here. The form gives us all of the details we need to keep your child safe in scouting.
You'll receive a copy of the join pack on your first night, but if you need to download any of the documents you can download them below.
Set up a standing order to pay our subscription fees by logging into your online banking, or by taking a copy of our standing order form to your bank (Download a copy here).
After your youngster has been coming to scouts for a couple of weeks, purchase a uniform online from Scout Shops, or locally from Durham Scout Shop.
Get involved! We need your help to do more. Many of our volunteers are parents, carers or family members, some support by running activities and others are involved behind the scenes, for example working on fundraising. The more people we have giving a little bit to the group, the more opportunities we can offer to our young people. Many hands make light work!
Visit our section beavers, cubs, scouts and parents pages for more info and to download copies of our current programme.