
Bringing 3rd Washington Together

It’s about amalgamation to make us stronger. 3rd Washington Scouts has a long standing history of being central to the communities we support and we will continue to be just that. However, at the moment, it is important that we recognise when something needs to change to ensure that we are able to continue to offer the highest quality provision for our community. 

We will be amalgamating our two site sections to make one-site sections. This does not mean that our offer will be any less or that what we are doing will be any different. It means that we will be able to get the most out of our adult volunteers and to support them by giving them capacity to enhance our programmes, develop our extra provision out of meeting nights such as: Friday night activities, events, camps and sleepovers. Currently, our exceptional group of volunteers are spread too thinly and doing a lot of different roles to ensure we have weekly meetings. It goes without saying that what our volunteers currently do is exceptional and without them we would not have 3rd Washington Scouts.

So, what’s led us to this decision?

Since COVID, there has been a decline in the amount of time our adult volunteers can spare. As you’d appreciate, all of our leader team are volunteers and receive no monetary contribution for the time they give up. They do their role out of the goodness of their hearts and the love they have for our community. Time is a very precious commodity and it is understandable that everyone can only commit so much. 

There have been numerous pushes for volunteers over the past few years and I’m sure many of you could recite my volunteering pitch everytime I talk at an event or presentation night. #ItsGoodForYou! 

I would like to whole heartily thank all of our dedicated, determined volunteers who selflessly give up so much of their time to ensure our offer to our young people is exceptional. I’d also like to thank those who have got involved by: supporting on a weekly night, agreeing to drive when needed, becoming a Trustee and other roles you may have taken on.

However, at numerous Trustee meetings, it has been noted that Section Leaders are finding it difficult to run two meeting places due to a number of factors. This goes beyond people who are able to support on an activity  night. As you can imagine, our weekly meetings don’t just happen, it takes coordination, planning, risk management, resourcing, communication and then the bit we all love, completing the activity. Currently, there are not enough volunteers to complete all tasks and we find the same people completing many of the tasks which is difficult.

How will 3rd Washington Scouts be structured? 

We have thought long and hard about how to minimise the impact of this change and we have decided on the following.

As you can see, we have varied the location and times of our meetings. We have allowed time for drop off and pick up which is what a lot of families have asked for to make it easier when they have young people in different sections. By using both locations we are keeping our options open to launching another section when we have capacity to do so.

What are our short, medium and long term plans? 

In the short term we will... 

In the medium term we will... 

In the long term we will...